Not surprisingly, the most common workplace injuries correlate to some of the most-common workplace accidents. Keep reading for the top 5 toe-curlingly horrific workplace accidents in history. Guaranteed Earning Increase Death Benefit: A type of option that annuitants can purchase for their retirement annuities. A total of 5,333 workers died from a work-related injury in the U.S. in 2019, up 2 percent from the 2018 total of 5,250. CalOSHA told the Los Angeles Times the worker was “crushed in an accident involving a crane.” SALT LAKE CITY — Salt Lake City officials are mourning one of their own after a tragic industrial accident killed a member of the city’s fleet team Wednesday afternoon. Its list includes the date and location of each accident as well as a brief description of the hazard or safety violation to which each worker’s death has been attributed. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), more than 2.3 million workers die every year as a result of occupational accidents or work-related diseases.To put this number in perspective, across the world 167,000 people died in armed conflicts in 2015, according to the latest edition of the IISS Armed Conflict Survey. Workplace Accidents; Wrongful Death; Search Posts The most recent figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics were released in December 2018 and come from the year 2017, for which the final numbers have recently been released. Wednesday’s death is the third this year of a worker at the construction site. Occupational injury death rate in the U.S. 1995-2011 by gender Occupational injury death rate in 2019, by private industry sector Number of occupational injury … In order to receive death benefits, a work-related injury or illness must have caused or contributed to your loved one’s death. Death and disfigurement are not what any of us have in mind on a Sunday evening when we’re dreading waking up for work the next morning. 3 Most Common Workplace Accidents Resulting in Time Missed from Work. An occupational fatality is a death that occurs while a person is at work or performing work related tasks. Of course, for some unfortunate few that is exactly what an ordinary, dull working day ended up as. These benefits aren’t limited to situations where an employee dies on the job, such as in a serious workplace accident. Occupational fatalities are also commonly called “occupational deaths” or “work-related deaths/fatalities” and can occur in any industry or occupation This option would guarantee the … City officials announced the death Wednesday afternoon, saying only that the man was “killed in an accident in the line of work,” a press release said. The fatal work injury rate was 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers, which was the rate reported in 2018.