HOCKEY CANADA REFEREE-IN-CHIEF Todd Robinson Referee-in-Chief. 79. Rhode Island Hockey. Location #4 - 17 3Rd Ave. Ne, Dauphin, Manitoba, R7N 0Y5, Canada. GOALLINE specializes in building web based tools for enhancing sports organizations. Players must affiliate from a lower category within the same age division. Conveniently review and learn hockey rules from your mobile device. The following information pertains to a model that has been put into effect to prepare leagues and hockey associations to reopen. Scott Zelkin. Big things are coming We're just getting started. He attained a level six certification from Hockey Canada in 1978. Matt Leaf. Hockey Canada has the solution – Ask a Referee! There are no scores to display. Director, Officiating Education Program. Last Update. First, he is a born and raised Edmontonian, so working a prestigious international tournament in his home town is an honour. Referee. IF affiliating from a lower age division, player must affiliate from an equal or lower category. Hockey Manitoba said it is following Hockey Canada’s decision. RETURN TO HOCKEY: OFFICIATING . Board of Directors for Manitoba Chamber of Commerce & … Rule Books & Manuals. Export. Share . Location. These plans are very dynamic and rely on ongoing assessment of the current COVID-19 situation within provinces and territories. Date of posting: Wednesday, September, Sept. 30, 2020; Deadline to apply: Friday, October 9, 2020 @ 11:59 p.m. (Ottawa time). An instructor for the WHL School of Officiating, he was an excellent teacher-mentor with outstanding communication skills. IDCMHA Board Meeting Minutes. He just said ‘congratulations on your selection’, and I was just absolutely floored," Kowalski said. Manager, Registration & Membership. Previously, Shane was the Referee-in-Chief Scheduling at The Eastman Minor Hockey Association. Name; Phone; Email This address will be used for all future contact; Please upload an image of the Game Sheet. Barry Zalcman. Contact Ref-in-Chief Eric Palud Rural Manitoba Female Hockey League Contact – Ann Ransom – Referee in Chief Pembina Valley League – Shane Froebe – 204-362-8602 – Brandon Contacts for Winnipeg Leagues: Midget City AAA – Tom Wilson – 204-832-6968 –; What is the certification process for new officials? New Hampshire Amateur Hockey Association. Referee-in-Chief: To Be Determined . It enhances communication between parents and organization staff, coaches, officials, etc. - The number one name in Sports Administration Software. Connecticut Hockey Conference. Associate for Asper School of Business 2007 to 2013 (Past) Manitoba Chamber of Commerce. All Hockey Manitoba officials MUST register and certify each year. Shane Froebe Contact Information. . Manager, Officiating Education Program. He worked as a Video Goal Judge for the NHL. Dauphin Minor Hockey. The OPOE is designed as an officiating talent identification and training program for elite officiating prospects, which extends beyond Branch officiating development. Referee-in-Chief Hockey Manitoba 226 Whitegates Cres, Winnipeg, MB R3K 1L7 Phone (204) 889-2156 Fax: (204) 889-9103 Website: Email: Dated: Oct. 15, 2007 Memo RE: Zippered / Torn Pants As per: HOCKEY CANADA OFFICIATING STANDARDS - Bulletin No. Hockey Canada Playing Rules 2020-22; Supervisor's Handbook; 2020-21 Officiating Duties for Referees and Linespersons; 2020-21 Officiating Procedures; 2020-21 Officiating Systems Each year Hockey Manitoba proudly certifies over 1,800 officials all across the province. Disabled Hockey Referee-in-Chief. Hockey Manitoba. Hockey Manitoba Referee Information. HQ Phone (204) 764-5288. eHockey Log in or Account Creation. Metis Hockey Referee Can't Get Enough of the Rink ... Former Referee in Chief for Manitoba Woman’s Junior Hockey League (Past). 2 Fax: 807-623-0037 ONTARIO HOCKEY FEDERATION 9 – 400 Sheldon Drive Cambridge, ON N1T 2H9 Direct line: 226-533 … 3. It further ensures your commitment to our number 1 priority: safety for participants 2. He served as Referee-in-Chief for Hockey Manitoba and was on the Standing Rules Committee for Hockey Canada. We're committed to providing new and experienced officials across the world with the best hockey referee equipment at a great price. Referees Wanted. What are the on- and off-ice guidelines? It is an official’s responsibility to ensure that the rules of hockey are enforced, and that the game is played fairly. Official Making Report. There are no practices to display. Customer service is super important to us and we take A+ care of you through our brand new live chat for speedy and efficient support. As well as officiating in hundreds of hockey games, he instructed in countless Referee Clinics in Manitoba, … 1. COVID-19 updates for Hockey Manitoba players, parents, coaches, officials and volunteers. Perry Lamb Contact Information. Almer McKerlie officiated for some 40 years in Manitoba handling minor, junior, intermediate and senior hockey leagues. This information is also available on the Hockey Winnipeg website. To further enhance the training and skills of minor hockey officials. Last Update. : I0722 (excerpt) - From: Ken Corbett, Chair, Officiating Policy Committee / Hockey Canada Vice … Wrong Perry Lamb? Timekeeper Clinics. River East is hosting the following timekeeping clinics. 78. DISTRICT & AFFILIATE DIRECTORIES. Job Description: Branch Referee-in-Chief (HEO-RIC) Hockey Eastern Ontario (HEO) is currently accepting applications for the position of: Branch Referee-in-Chief (HEO-RIC). Export. Referee In Chief at Dauphin Minor Hockey. … Eastman Minor Hockey. He was Referee-in-chief of the South Eastern Region, South Central, Pembina Valley and junior B hockey. Hockey Manitoba is pleased to announce that four officials have been selected by Hockey Canada to attend the Western Officials Program of Excellence (OPOE) event in Kamloops, BC from October 5 -7, 2012. LEVEL III; Purpose: To prepare officials capable of refereeing minor hockey playoffs (league and regional) and women’s national championships, or being a linesperson in Junior B, Junior C, Junior D, Senior and U15 or U18 regional championships. Referee-in-Chief appointments in Manitoba leagues, supervisor of Allan Cup playdowns and championships in Winnipeg. Minor hockey players in Manitoba will face some stricter rules this season, thanks to rule changes introduced by Hockey Canada. Helen Fenlon. Alaska Visit Website. Have the entire Hockey Canada Rule Book with your wherever you go. There are no upcoming games. Company Hockey Manitoba. Update Profile. Hockey Manitoba AP Rules: All other affiliation regulations as indicated in the Hockey Manitoba regulations continue to apply. They may then apply to the Hockey Canada manager of officiating for Level VI certification through their Member referee-In-chief, which requires the successful completion of the Level VI examination and an on-ice evaluation by a national supervisor. Officials are the third team on the ice, without whom the game would not happen as we know it to be. 8/18/2020 7:58 PM . Officiated 1,800 recorded games, has developed officials for major leagues and was a long time Referee-in-Chief of the Manitoba Major Junior Hockey League. Played out of the IcePlex, this league showcases the talents of young Winnipeg Women. This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) … HOCKEY MANITOBA: ON-LINE (Churchill Hockey Academy) MB : 2020: 12/03/2020-05/31/2021: 00:00: Signup | Info *HU - ONLINE Coach 1/Coach 2-HOCKEY MANITOBA: ON-LINE (2) MB : 2020: 01/19/2021-05/31/2021: 00:00: Signup | Info *HU - ONLINE Checking-HOCKEY MANITOBA: ON-LINE (2) MB : 2020: 01/19/2021-05/31/2021: 00:00 : Signup | Info *HU - ONLINE Safety-HOCKEY MANITOBA: ON-LINE (2) … St George, Burford and Paris Minor Hockey Associations are seeking a joint Association Referee In Chief / Officials Assignor for the upcoming 2016-2017 season. Do officials need to wear masks? Born in Miami, he was considered by many to be one of the best hockey referees in the province. upcoming games. Search. Nominations. Access Perry's Contact Information . Why has Hockey Manitoba implemented Respect in Sport for Parents? ** Please register online through the Hockey Manitoba website here ** Note: The officials clinics include one hour of ice time. “I got a phone call from our referee-in-chief. go. Send your questions in, and every month Hockey Canada’s referee-in-chief will give his answers. Manager, Officiating Development Program (Junior Hockey) BJ Ringrose. New England District Officiating Contacts. But he also has officiating in his blood. The Game Sheet MUST accompany the … Perry Lamb Current Workplace. 5/4/2020 7:44 PM. Hockey Manitoba referee in chief Grant Heather said the incident may speed up the process of making the Respect in Sport program mandatory for … practices. HQ Phone (204) 926-8358. New England District Referee-in-Chief. HOCKEY MANITOBA 508 – 145 Pacific Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6 Telephone: 204-925-5755 Fax: 204-925-5761 HOCKEY NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO 107 Cumberland Street N Thunder Bay, ON P7B 4M3 Telephone: 807-623-1542 ext. Referees Wanted ! Asper School of Business. It helps our organization, staff and volunteers to mitigate liability 4. Maine Amateur Hockey Association. » Send email. IDCMHA Board Meeting Minutes August 2020. go Public Skate and Shinny schedule... recent scores. Company Dauphin Minor Hockey. Interested candidates should complete the online applications form which will be automatically forwarded to all associations. Are there any adjustments to playing rules? MMAA Board of Directors for the 2020-2021 Season: President: Ty Burton Past-President: Brad Kingdon Vice-President: vacant Treasurer: Carol Taylor Secretary: Elin Klym Registrar: Tanis Barrett Promotions Chair: Lynn Martin Referee-in-Chief: Matt Rapsky Building Chair: Jim Tomlinson Hockey Chair: vacant Equipment Chair: Shawn Turchinski Tournament Chair: Mike Lamb Figure Skating Chair: Beth Melendy eHockey: The GTHL uses the Hockey Canada eHockey to register participants for clinics. Share . “I don’t think it’s harsh enough,” said Doug Zeller, the Interlake Minor Hockey Association’s referee chief. Vermont State Amateur Hockey Association . Shane Froebe is the Regional Referee Coordinator at Hockey Manitoba based in Winnipeg, Manitoba.