educational tourism statistics

It publishes the Digest of Education Statistics, which includes international comparisons of students, and the annual report to Congress, The Condition of Education, which reports the progress of American education. More South Carolina Statistical Resources. OECS Business Surveys. Activities are primary motivating factors for special interest tourism. National Center for Health Statistics is the principal health statistics agency for improving the health of the American people. What purpose is encouraging special interest tourism? With more and more people traveling, the global tourism industry has boomed over the last decade. UNSD Statistics of International Trade in Services Section is working in close collaboration with UNWTO on developing and maintaining methodological work in the area of tourism statistics and supporting the drafting work of the International Recommendations on Tourism Statistics 2008 (IRTS 2008) and the Tourism Satellite Accounts: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008 (TSA 2008). Vienna's mortality monitoring: Current data of weekly deaths in Vienna and Austria and European countries and cities.. The Tourism Trends Report presents a review of tourism statistics and trends for Saskatchewan. Current statistical abstract. Domestic market performance statistics. The findings demonstrate travel’s power to transform how students approach learning, deepen their understanding of the world and expand their career possibilities. Crime, criminal justice; Education; Elections; Health, public welfare; Income; Population; Recreation, travel, tourism; Taxes - SC tax statistics from 1970 to present. International Market Performance. Contact Municipal Department 23. For more information, read our topic page on tourism worldwide! The Municipal Department 23 - Economic Affairs, Labour and Statistics (MA 23) provides a large number of tables presenting essential facts from a variety of fields in a well-structured way. The impact of COVID-19 on the economy largely emanated from policies and measures adopted to curb the spread of the virus, including the closure of schools, restrictions on internal and international travel among others. Tourism statistics Tourism Statistics. Statistics - Vienna in Figures. Interactive charts with latest statistics on international visitors to Australia including arrivals, spend and more. South Carolina Statistics by Topic. Travel and Tourism; Vital Statistics; Publications. Activity tourism aims at combing aspects commonly associated with eco-tourism and nature tourism to offer recreation, education, and other benefits to tourists. The goal of the Research team is to provide detailed and timely information for those in the […] Tourism and education. Q3. Link Copied! Q4. VTC’s Research Team assists with a wide range of tourism-related data analysis and gathering, including the economic impact of tourism on the state and localities, visitor profiles, market share, consumer trends, and the VTC’s advertising and marketing campaigns. A new survey, “Travel Improves Educational Attainment & Future Success,” explores the impact of learning-focused travel on academic performance and career growth. Digest of Statistics Report, 2018 (PDF - 2 MB) Educational Statistical Digest (2018-2019) (PDF - 24 MB) Population and Housing Census Report (2012) (PDF - 8 MB) Videos and Infographics. South Carolina SC Statistics South Carolina Statistical Abstracts. OECS Household Survey. On the basis of a scoping review of the literature about educational tourism—a type of tourism in which the traveller’s primary or secondary objective is learning—this study summarizes views on how Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) can foster local development through educational tourism.